By Bethany Logan, Chair of UKSG’s Outreach and Engagement Committee, and Research & Scholarship Librarian, University of Sussex.
After two years of adjusting to virtual meetings during lockdown, I am so excited to attend the UKSG conference this year in person. There’s nothing like socialising and networking with peers over coffee, making new connections, breaking out of your own silo to hear from colleagues in the wider sector, and – of course- hitting the dance floor after the legendary conference dinner.
The conference is a fantastic opportunity for early career professionals, you can completely immerse yourself in all things scholarly comms and be sure to find something new to inspire you.
Thanks to some generous sponsorship, UKSG is pleased to offer two awards- seven places in total- for free conference attendance. There are six sponsored places for Students and Early Career Professionals to attend the Telford conference this year. And the Merriman award includes an opportunity to attend both UKSG and the equally glamourous NASIG in the USA!
The deadline for applicants is the 27th March. Check your eligibility and download application forms using the links below.
John Merriman Joint NASIG/UKSG Award
NASIG and UKSG are sister organisations that both host prestigious annual conferences. In 2022, the UKSG conference will take place in Telford, UK, from 30th May to 1st June. The NASIG conference will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from 5th to 9th June. One lucky winner will have the chance to attend both events. The award is intended to cover travel and accommodation costs and each award recipient will also receive paid conference registration (which includes most meals) for both events.
"It was a pleasure and a privilege to win the Merriman award. As someone relatively new to research support, but with a strong commitment to scholarly communications and open research more generally, it was fantastic to experience both the UKSG and NASIG conferences and learn first-hand about developments, achievements and share with others at institutions from North America, Europe and beyond. I was able to network, socialise and learn from so many people in a concentrated period of time-and it has led onto connections and collaborations, too!"
Katherine Stephan, Liverpool John Moores University
Apply for the Merriman Award here - the deadline Sunday 27th March 2022.
Sponsored UKSG Places for Students and Early Career Professionals
Every year, UKSG offers six free places for early career professionals working as librarians, publishers or intermediaries to attend its Annual Conference.
The successful applicants attending over the last few years have, without exception, found the experience both valuable and enjoyable. Given the challenges that all members of the information community currently face, and the continuing rapid pace of change, the opportunity to attend the UKSG Annual Conference is both exciting and highly relevant to those seeking employment or advancing their careers in the near future.
“‘Attending the UKSG conference as an ECP-award winner was a wonderful opportunity. I met an amazing array of people across all aspects of the sector and started conversations that have steered the course of my professional development ever since.”
Sam Nesbit, University of Sussex.
In return for the sponsorship, winners are required to submit a report of the conference, which will be considered for publication in UKSG eNews. Travel expenses up to a certain amount are refunded on presentation of the report.
Apply here - the deadline Sunday 27th March 2022
Good luck!