Thank you to everyone who’s subscribed for EARLL updates!
We’re sorry we’ve been a bit quiet, we’ve been incredibly busy setting things up behind the scenes and preparing for the EARLL Launch Event at LSE Library on Friday 13th December. We hope to see all of you there. If you can’t make it then please follow the hashtag #EARLLlaunch to see what we’re up to on the day. We’ll also be providing a write up of the event and sending round the slides to everyone.
Once the launch event is over, we’ll be working hard to build our online presence, get content on the website and expand the network, not to mention start to plan Event #2!
Please do get in touch with us at any time, if you have ideas for the network or would like to contribute something to the website or just to say hello!
The EARLL Team
Hannah, Claire, Andrew, Anna, Karen and Mari